Subject Knowledge Enhancement

Who is SKE for?

If you want to teach a subject but you are not sure if your subject knowledge is up to scratch, we can point you in the direction of a Subject Knowledge Enhancement (SKE) course. This could be because your degree wasn't in your chosen subject, but it was closely related, or you have an A level in the subject. An SKE course will allow you to build up or refresh your existing knowledge. We may identify SKE as a need, and therefore may make it a condition to any offer made to you in respect to acceptance on to one of our programmes.

Eligible Subjects

SKE courses are available in the following subjects:

  • Maths
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Computing
  • Modern Foreign Languages

Please note, bursary funding for SKE programmes is subject to application and only available in circumstances where acceptance on to a teacher training programme is conditional on you undertaking a SKE programme.


How SKE programmes are provided

SKE courses can vary in terms of duration, from an 8 week refresher or booster programme through to a 28 week programme, and can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis. All SKE programmes must be completed before qualified teacher status can be awarded.

SKE courses can be:

  • Completed before or alongside ITT courses
  • Offered online, through distance learning, face-to-face or a mixture of these approaches.

find out more

If you would like to learn more about SKE please click on the link below:

You can only register for a SKE course once you have accepted a place on a teacher training programme.