
Structures and Trust

East Anglian Schools Trust

The legal entity for EAST SCITT is East Anglian Schools Trust (EAST). A Multi-Academy Trust, established in September 2019 is currently responsible for three high schools: Bungay High School; Farlingaye High School and Kesgrave High School, with the expectation further local primary and secondary schools will join the trust in time.

The school centred initial teacher training provider (SCITT) was awarded accreditation by the Department of Education in July 2020. We are united by our principles and our commitment to working together to achieve excellence in education. Please visit the EAST website to find out more: Anglian Schools’ Trust, an exempt charity limited by guarantee registered company in England and Wales No. 07667407.  

Registered office:
Wickham Market Primary School, Dalinghoo Road, Wickham Market, IP13 0RP.

EAST responsibilities for EAST SCITT include fulfilling the following duties:

  • The clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the SCITT
  • The appointment and performance management of the Director of the SCITT
  • The support of the SCITT management and the supervision and monitoring of its progress in implementing agreed development and improvement plans
  • The supervision of compliance of all statutory and domestic policies in both their formulation and application
  • The oversight of the financial performance of the SCITT in making sure that its finances are well spent and effectively managed


EAST SCITT Management Structure

EAST SCITT Operational Structure